Tag Archives: moving with kids

parenting, old homes, buying an old home with young kids, momlife

How Buying an Old Home is Like Having Children

We just bought a home that was built in 1920. It was dreamy, had character, and was the only one we liked in the time frame available.

We’ve slept in this house a total of three nights and I can’t help but think about how owning an old home is like having children. Here is why: Continue reading

moving with kids, moving with toddlers, moving with preschoolers

From the West to the Midwest


moving with kids, moving with toddlers, moving with preschoolers image7-678x1024 moving with kids, moving with toddlers, moving with preschoolers moving with kids, moving with toddlers, moving with preschoolers

It has been awhile since I’ve posted anything, which makes me sad. My fun uncle called me out on it at a family gathering recently, so hey Uncle Doc, this one’s for you! But, there is reason for my lack of writing. Continue reading